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Sunday, February 22, 2009


Did you know that Vitamin B6, Niacin, Potassium and folate found in abundance in tomatoes are potent protectors against cancer? Niacin lowers high cholesterol levels and potassium lowers high blood pressure? Vitamin B6 and folate converts the homocysteine in our bodies into harmless substances. High levels of homocysteine are associated with increase risk of heart attack and stroke.

Did you know you can reduce the frequency of your headache? Riboflavin in tomatoes is helpful for migraine sufferers.

Did you know that everyday in UK, 85 percent men and 69 percent women eat too much salt? Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure.

Did you know that eating a lot of bananas, apples, eggs, green peppers, spinach, oysters, meat in the range of 30mcg-35mcg per day can provide you with the chromium your body need to help you reduce your blood sugar? Chromium is need for fat and sugar metabolism.

Did you know that caffeine can aggravate heart problem or nervous disorder? As much as possible stay away from it if you have nervous disorder or heart problem.

Did you know that coffee originated from Africa around 575A.A, where beans were used as money and food?

Did you know that skipping breakfast regularly may lead to over weight? Researcher at the University Of Minesota School Of Public health found that kids who ate breakfast on regular basis were less likely than their peers to be over weight.

Did you know that as a general rule, you are not required to lose below 1000-1,200 calories a day, if you’re dieting on your own?

Did you know that the body loses a proportionately high amount of muscles with a very low calories intake? This may consciously suppress metabolism by up to 45 percent.

Did you know that your body is composed of 60 percent water?

Did you know that men with the highest blood level of omega 3 fatty acids had 80 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death than men with the lowest blood levels. High omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are usually due to high consumption of fish.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Did you know that honey is the only food that does not spoil?

Did you know that French rice is the number one food that is ordered by women in the restaurant?

Did you know that apples is effective in keeping people awake than caffeine? It is 25% air, which is why it floats when placed in a bucket of water.

Did you know that apples, onions and potatoes have the same taste?

Did you know that chewing gum help you slim down? It helps by boosting metabolism rate by 20 %. It also helps memory.

Did you know that the whale shark is the largest specie? It is 60 feet in length and weighs several tons. It is a harmless creature that feeds plankton and small fish.

Did you know that 1% of adults in the world own 40% of the planet wealth? It was reported that those in the financial services and the internet sector predominate among the super rich.

Did you know that 37 percent of the richest live in the United States, 27 percent live in Japan, and 6 percent in the United Kingdom? This was revealed by a UN study.

Did you know that the body is made to heal itself? Researchers say that the human organism is able to heal 60 to 70 percent of all ailments on its own. It is believed that the body produces 30 to 40 medicines and substances to prevent and cure ailments. The processes they say is quite complicated but exist. The hormones, immune messengers and cells work this out.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Did you know that water vapor among other gases contributes to the green house effect?

Did you know that pigeons can be used to measure city pollution? Researchers at the University of Rajasthan, in the Northern India says, “Heavy metals present in the environment of the habitant enter the feathers, and remain even after the feathers are shed. They said the level of cadmium, chromium, copper and lead detected in their feathers may be an accurate indicator of the pollution.

Did you know that on the average, at least one in four adults suffer from high blood pressure and in 90 to 95 percent of cases there is no known cure?

Did you know that the heart beats up to 100,000 times a day and this is the number of times that high blood pressure can cause damage to the smaller blood vessels that supply the brain, the kidneys and the heart?

Did you know that associating with positive, supporting people can higher your self-esteem?

Did you know that anti-oxidant supplement can fight off the effect of ageing? You need250-10000mg of vitamins C, 100-400IU (international units) of vitamin E and 10-30mg of beta-carotene a day?

Did you know that Zambezi River is the world’s longest? It lies between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Did you know that at least three daytime naps a week may reduce the risk of death from heart attack by 37 percent? A researcher and epidemiologists at the Harvard School of Public Health, USA says, ‘There is considerable evidence that both acute and chronic stress are related to heart attack’

Did you know that physicians classify patients as hypertensive when their blood pressure is above140/90? The first number is called systolic blood pressure during the hearty beat (stystole), and the second number is called diastolic blood pressure while the heart is relaxed (diastole).

Did you know that procrastination can make you sick? A study of 200 Canadian University students found that procrastinators put themselves under so much pressure by delaying action that they suffer more stress-related illness than others.


Did you know that water vapor among other gases contributes to the green house effect?

Did you know that pigeons can be used to measure city pollution? Researchers at the University of Rajasthan, in the Northern India says, “Heavy metals present in the environment of the habitant enter the feathers, and remain even after the feathers are shed. They said the level of cadmium, chromium, copper and lead detected in their feathers may be an accurate indicator of the pollution.

Did you know that on the average, at least one in four adults suffer from high blood pressure and in 90 to 95 percent of cases there is no known cure?

Did you know that the heart beats up to 100,000 times a day and this is the number of times that high blood pressure can cause damage to the smaller blood vessels that supply the brain, the kidneys and the heart?

Did you know that associating with positive, supporting people can higher your self-esteem?

Did you know that anti-oxidant supplement can fight off the effect of ageing? You need250-10000mg of vitamins C, 100-400IU (international units) of vitamin E and 10-30mg of beta-carotene a day?

Did you know that Zambezi River is the world’s longest? It lies between Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Did you know that at least three daytime naps a week may reduce the risk of death from heart attack by 37 percent? A researcher and epidemiologists at the Harvard School of Public Health, USA says, ‘There is considerable evidence that both acute and chronic stress are related to heart attack’

Did you know that physicians classify patients as hypertensive when their blood pressure is above140/90? The first number is called systolic blood pressure during the hearty beat (stystole), and the second number is called diastolic blood pressure while the heart is relaxed (diastole).

Did you know that procrastination can make you sick? A study of 200 Canadian University students found that procrastinators put themselves under so much pressure by delaying action that they suffer more stress-related illness than others.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Peloop is a penis enhancement made physically by mixing of Silicone, Germanium, Tourmaline and inserting a rare earth magnet made into a bracelet. It is simply worn at the botom of your penis just like you wear a ring on your finger.

Peloop helps your penis in getting and staying hard.

It separates each of the blood cells in your penis, each having a more surface area to carry much oxygen and vital nutrients to your penis.

It widens your blood vessels to allow more blood flow.

Peloop emits Far infra-red rays known as growth rays. These rays protects the cells and increase the production rate of cells in your penis.

Positive ions from polluted environment, electrical equipment such as computers, make you feel sick, stressed and depressed. Peloop emits negative ions to neutralize acidic level in the blood stream of you penis.

Peloop expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood stream flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.

It revitalizes tissues and cleansing of toxins and waste.

It enhances white blood cell function.

It enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrient in the blood cells in your penis.

Your environment exposes you to positive ions from pollution, electrical appliances like computers.This creates imbalance in your penis. Peloop strikes a balance by emiting negative ions to neutralze the acidic level in the blood stream of your penis.

As you grow through life, you are exposed to stress, depression, some imbalances in dieting, habits like smoking, drinking, etc. This may adversely affect the health of your penis. Peloop revitalizes the overall health of your penis.

Peloop when compared with other close substitutes like pills, extenders,weight,pump,surgery, shows higher preference in penis size gains, penis health gains, ease to use and total cost.

Peloop is cheap.

It is easy to use.

It is scientifically backed.

It does not have side effect.

You do not feel discomfort when using it. You wouldn't feel like you worn anything. I know how it feels; I use one.

It's safe to use. The World Health Organisation study on magnets, published in 1987 declared magnet safe.

Peloop starts working immediately you wear it. The effect is actually felt depending on the current health of you penis. If your penis health is poor, for quick result, it is advisable to use multi-vitamins.

Visit the website at the end of the page, above the sample picture for further details.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Did you know that severe hermorrhage is defined as blood loss of more than 1.5 liters (about 3pints)?

Did you know that more than 99 per cent of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries? This report was released by UNICEF.

Did you know that a glass of red wine provides 10% of your daily requirement for iron?

Did you know that calories restriction does reduce biomarkers for aging along with lowering the risk of chronic disease like heart disease and diabetes?

Did you know that garlic has the ability to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood? This is attributed to the sulfur containing substance.

Did you know that banana is approximately 75% of water?

Did you know that publicly funded family clinic services enable U.S women to prevent 1.4 million unintended pregnancies each year? It was estimated that 600,000 of which would end in abortion.

Did you know that a soy protein can increase your stomach fat?

Did you know that menopause is diagnosed when a woman has gone without a period for 12 months consecutive months?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Did you know that children need a healthy, balanced diet, which is rich in fruit, vegetables and starch foods?

Did you know that those who consumed at least one cube of chocolate daily reported significantly greater desire and better overall sexual function than the individuals who abstained?

Did you know that eating vegetables appear s to help keep the brain young and may slow mental decline sometimes associated with growing old?

Did you know that yellow painted room makes babies cry?

Did you know that Savoy cabbage helps in disposal of a form of Oestrogen that promotes breast cancer?

Did you that the first person to sail round the world was Ferdinand Magellan?

Did you know that eating gum disease can be beatable by eating grapefruits?

Did you know that a stroke is caused when the blood suddenly stops flowing to the brain?